10 years of this blog

10 years of this blog I have been blogging about software and technology in this blog for a decade. What was the rationale of this blog? Why should you write a technical blog? How it all started I started blogging in 2014, when I was improving my skills via a Masters Program. I was a bit burned out because studying and working at the same time require an energy I did not have during that time. [Read More]

The long silence

The long silence It has been some months since I wrote here for the last time. Why have I been silent all this time? I could say that life matters have made me pretty busy (and that is true), but apart from that, what things have I been working on? Things I worked with Deno Deno, the next-generation JavaScript runtime created by Ryan Dahl, the Node.js creator. It think it is a great idea but it has some rough edges, let’s hope that with the coming of Deno 2 and the full support for commonJS modules and other new features it can achieve the status it deserves. [Read More]