Joining test coverage from several test directories

Joining test coverage from several test directories This post show a simple way of computing the’s test coverage from different tests folders. Introduction I have been using since I started working with python, and while it works pretty well, let us say that the interface of the command line tool could be better. I struggled for some minutes trying to filter out other folder I have in my tests folder that were not meant to have their test coverage computed. [Read More]

Joining test coverage in several test directories

Joining test coverage in several test directories This post show a simple way of computing the’s test coverage in different tests folders. Introduction I have been using since I started working with python, and while it works pretty well, let us say that the interface of the command line tool could be better. I struggled for some minutes trying to filter out other folder I have in my tests folder that were not meant to have their test coverage computed. [Read More]