How to write a simple middleware in deno fresh

How to write a simple middleware in deno fresh

Middlewares are layers that inject data or check the HTTP request and are used by a set of routes. They are very useful as they group functionality together. Let’s see how to implement a middleware in deno fresh.

Select the routes the middleware is going to affect

The middlewares in deno fresh are created inside a _middleware.ts file. This file will affect the routes that are from its level to the bottom. Let’s see an example:

Suppose we have this basic routes structure:

  - api/
    - task.ts
    - tasks.ts
    - user.ts
    - users.ts
  - index.ts
  - about.ts

To add a middleware that affect only the API, we will need to add it inside the api folder:

  - api/
    - _middleware.ts
    - task.ts
    - tasks.ts
    - user.ts
    - users.ts
  - index.ts
  - about.ts

If we were to add it in the routes folder, it will affect to the index and about routes, and all the API ones.

Middleware structure

Reader middleware

Let’s suppose the API is authenticated by a token:

// Suppose we have an import map in the deno.json
import { FreshContext } from "$fresh/server.ts";

export async function handler(req: Request, ctx: FreshContext<null>,) {
  // For simplicity we have hardcoded the secret token, DO NOT DO THIS!
  // Load it from a key or password secure server.
  const requestToken = req.headers.get("my-app-token")
  if(requestToken !== "SECRET TOKEN"){
    return Response.json({ status: "error", message: "Forbidden" }, status: 403);

  // The next call will call to the next middleware or the route itself
  return await;

The code is pretty straightforward, as we just read a request header and in the case of an issue

Injector middleware

// Suppose we have an import map in the deno.json
import { FreshContext } from "$fresh/server.ts";

// Let's suppose that we want to create an unique request id (aka correlation id)
// and pass it down to all the routes.
type StateRequest = {
  requestId: string;

export async function handler(req: Request, ctx: FreshContext<StateRequest>,) {
  // Injection of unique id per request
  ctx.state.requestId = crypto.randomUUID();

  // The next call will call to the next middleware or the route itself
  return await;

So when the route runs, it will be able to access to the request id:

import { StateRequest } from "./_middleware.ts";

export const Handler: Handler<Context, StateRequest> = {
  async GET(req, ctx){
    const requestId = ctx.requestId;

    console.log(`The request id is ${requestId}`);

   return new Response.json({ uuid: requestId });


We have shown how to write two simple types of middlewares for the deno fresh web framework: one that reads from the request, one that adds state to the context.

deno  fresh