How to manage docker secrets

How to manage docker secrets

The product that is produced by most software developer teams is a docker image. How can be sure that we are not leaking secrets in docker images? If we include them as building arguments for sure they are going to be stored in the own image. Is there any way to avoid having them inside the docker image?


Suppose you have a docker image that requires a secret, you do not want to include it in the image, but you need during the process of building the image. In other words, you cannot pass the secrets as environment variables because you need during the construction of the image, not when running a container based on that image.

A good way of checking what we have in each layer of the docker image is use the tool dive.

Anyway, let us continue with Docker and secrets.

Docker secrets

Docker support the use of secrets, and that is the easiest way of including secrets to your docker images.

First, you can use secrets while building docker images using the build command:

docker build --secret id=my_env_secret,env=MY_ENV_SECRET .
docker build --secret id=my_env_secret,src=my_secret_file .

Second, you can include secrets in your docker-compose.yml file:

version: "3.8"

    build: app:latest
      - my_file_secret
      - my_env_secret

    file: ./my_file_secret.txt

As long as you have a my_file_secret.txt file with the secret and a MY_ENV_SECRET_VARIABLE environment variable with the other secret, you only need to include the secret in your Dockerfile file:

RUN --mount=type=secret,id=my_env_secret \
    MY_ENV_SECRET=$(cat /run/secrets/my_env_secret) <command that uses the my_env_secret>

Notice that it is the same with the file secret but replacing my_env_secret by my_file_secret.

Where <command that uses the my_env_secret> is just a command that uses the secret, for example, and installation of a private python package:

RUN --mount=type=secret,id=my_env_secret \
     pip install https://user:$(cat /run/secrets/my_env_secret)

The same can be done with the my_file_secret, but I am not going to lie to you. I prefer to use environment secrets as it is easier to deal with environment variables than with files.

Anyway, once you have it you are all set and can build the docker image:

docker compose build app


Never passs secrets as build-args as they will be visible in the docker image layers. That is less than ideal as the secrets stop being secrets. Use the secrets functionality of docker to have actually secret variables.