Asking and receiving feedback on your software project

Asking and receiving feedback on your software project


A month ago I asked the HN Community for some feedback about my project: Gelidum.

The experience was very positive and I have learned that asking for feedback in a software project is crucial.

Why feedback is important?

We know that feedback is important because it gives us a different point of view about a matter or in my case, a project.

But, feedback is not limited to giving different points of view. You can receive ideas, suggestions or even some personal experience. All of this information gives you an advantage when choosing what the next step is going to be. Seeing what others have done, what’s the state of the art or if some feature is missing can make you pivot your project and steer it in a more adequate direction.

How to get feedback?

Ask for it, there are pages like Hacker News that allow Shown HN posts where you can show your project and get a healthy criticism.

There are other platforms like Product Hunt where people from the startup world give specialized feedback about the product, usability, etc.

There are some subreddits that are open to feedback like the ones of programming languages. Create a throwaway account and ask them for their opinion.

What to do after?

Thank them. This world is not very thankful. Some people pass this world being a well of positivity. Thank the users that have taken the time to review your work.

Ignore the haters. Usually they enjoy making people suffer. They are shallow people that you should not waste your time on.

Read what the users have requested, or the comments they have made about some similar projects. Give some time to your mind to allow the creative process and then, write your ideas on a text document (or on paper). Writing helps to get your mind in order. Then, make a plan of features you have gotten from the users.


Giving a feedback is making a gift.

If you are the one giving feedback, be courteous and empathic. Surely the receiver have had been working many hours in the project and there is something of them there.

If you are the one receiving feedback. Do not take it as a personal attack. Thank them. They are making you a present.