10 years of this blog

10 years of this blog I have been blogging about software and technology in this blog for a decade. What was the rationale of this blog? Why should you write a technical blog? How it all started I started blogging in 2014, when I was improving my skills via a Masters Program. I was a bit burned out because studying and working at the same time require an energy I did not have during that time. [Read More]

How to create a Dockerfile for your deno fresh project

How to create a Dockerfile for your deno fresh project Sometimes creating a Dockerfile is an art, you need to be aware of what files include in each layer to leverage the docker cache. How can we do this with deno fresh? Recommended or usual Dockerfile Most of the examples I have found in the internet (like this one) tend to copy all the files in the same Docker instruction: [Read More]
deno  fresh  docker 

How to add OTEL to your deno fresh project

How to add OTEL to your deno fresh project OpenTelemetry is a standard for adding telemetry to your application. There are a myriad of implementations for almost all the programming languages. But you need to be aware that the particularities of each language can make integrating with OTEL very different in one case or other. Introduction This post assumes you know what observability is, the best practices and the bare minimum that is accepted nowadays in modern applications. [Read More]
deno  fresh  otel 

Faulty engineering career ladders

Faulty engineering career ladders Introduction Let’s see several issues with the Engineering ladders I have seen on my 16 years of experience. This is a long post, I do not recommend reading it in one sitting. Faulty engineering ladders Most companies I worked for had some kind of Engineering ladder. It looks nice and promising to know that you can be promoted. However, in my experience there is no clear path for promotion. [Read More]

How to write a simple middleware in deno fresh

How to write a simple middleware in deno fresh Middlewares are layers that inject data or check the HTTP request and are used by a set of routes. They are very useful as they group functionality together. Let’s see how to implement a middleware in deno fresh. Select the routes the middleware is going to affect The middlewares in deno fresh are created inside a _middleware.ts file. This file will affect the routes that are from its level to the bottom. [Read More]
deno  fresh 

The different types of personality

# The different types of personality There are several frames that try to define the different types of personality (without any kind of particular order): Surrounded by idiots C-me colour profiling Disc profiles The four tendencies What are those? Several psychology researchers have determined that people can be grouped based on 4 personality profiles. Mainly they define the following dimensions: Analytical Dominant Social/Leader Cooperative How do they affect your communication? [Read More]

Leadership with passive subjects

Leadership with passive subjects Most leadership advice (that I have read) assumes all the team members are motivated and want to improve themselves. However, what about the opposite? What can happen when a developer is not interested in improve their skills and is dragging down the team? Along this post we will delve on the subject of what to do when you have to lead over different types of developers. [Read More]

CV Driven Development

CV Driven Development CV Driven Development or Resume Driven Development consist on taken strategic decisions based on how they improve the CV of the developers that work on that project. Introduction Most of the project management methodologies have a focus on improving the satisfaction of the clients and users. Most of the time by removing friction between them and the development process, or by reducing waste. CV Driven Development has as one of the non-functional requirements learning something new. [Read More]

War stories

War stories When talking about software documentation we usually describe the what and how, but explaining the reason (why) is it left out. Giving a background about why the team took some decisions can help developers understand better why the software is the way it is. Documentation is a foundational part of software I would say that nobody doubts that a piece os software without documentation is not useful. Software can have a big complexity and maintaining it and extend it can be hard if there is no guide. [Read More]

The runtime type-checking operator in TypeScript

The runtime type-checking operator in TypeScript I have been working with TypeScript for a while but for sure I am not an expert in the language (I feel more comfortable with Python). I like the idea of type-safe but limiting the static type checking process can make you confident about what you are getting from outside sources, and if you do not trust those sources (you should NOT), you would need to include a lot of repetitive checks any time we read data from the outside. [Read More]